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11th July - Post Prompt



Today’s prompt is to post something that somehow shows off your credibility. Talk to us about how long you’ve been doing this, or about the first time you knew you’d be good at this, or about how you studied it at University, or about how many success story clients you’ve had. It doesn’t matter what it is, the important part is that it builds credibility.




Project Storyline is all about being creative, so think outside the box with this one! Your followers want to be able to feel like you are the legit, real deal. How can you communicate that in today’s Story?


Some things to think about for today’s Story:

  • What’s a good client success story you can share?

  • What job experience have you had that translate to what you do now?

  • How long have you been in your field?

  • What courses or programs have you taken?

  • Why are you so passionate about your business?




Remember: you can post this in any way that feels comfortable to you. Want to keep an air of mystery? Just post a photo of your diploma. Want to be low-key about it? Make your story about something TOTALLY DIFFERENT and just drop the credibility-building factor in there! Happy to just put it all out there? Jump into story mode and just dive right in to sharing your credibility-building stories!

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