18th July - Post Prompt
I want you to talk about a problematic situation that your clients regularly find themselves in, and walk them through how you, as the pro, would deal with it.
Note: the situation or problem should be specific to what you do!
HAVE FUN WITH THIS! Remember – you’re building a relationship with your followers. And a relationship involves showing up, time and time again, expecting nothing in return. It can be scary to put yourself out there but when you start seeing it as a way to have fun and be creative, people can feel the difference in how you show up!
Here is an outline you can follow:
Share the problem your clients typically face
Share why you think this is a problem
Share how they can solve this problem, step by step [if it helps, create an outline]
Here are some examples:
If you’re a personal stylist, maybe you share with people how you’d go about choosing an outfit to wear that day. OR how to choose the *right* outfit to buy for an event. What things do they need to keep in mind? How would YOU do it? Remember: give away as much value in this story as you can!
If you’re a photographer, maybe you talk about when you ideal client wants to get that PERFECT group photo without making it awkward.
If you’re an energy expert, maybe you talk about how to control your energy in the midst of a conflict with a loved one.
If you sell a physical product, talk about some problems that people typically face when buying your type of product.
If you sell candles, share the problem with a certain type of wax and why you use a different wax.
If you sell jewellery, talk about why certain metals don’t work well and why your products use different materials.
If you sell clothing, talk about sizing issues and how they can find the right one.