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About Me


Hey I'm Clare

and I am a Conscious Business Mentor

and Digital Entrepreneur


I help hundreds of business owners, coaches & creatives across the world by working with them to create digital assets like websites & funnels that talk to their tribe, and increase their visibility and those all important sales.


As well as working with my clients on their digital assets.

I also work with Healers & Therapists on their business strategy to make sure you are going to stand out online & get clients fast.

My Business Journey So Far..


Let me help you

My business journey started in 2002 at the tender age of 23. After having a successful corporate background as an IT trainer I moved over into the world of self employment so I could start a family and have the flexibility around my children.
My first business Blissful Designs was born out of a passion for art and design. We created handmade wedding stationery and then moved into wedding venue decoration in 2007. This business pre social media was built solely on solid SEO and getting our sites to the top of google searches. We shipped Internationally and had huge success from month 3. 
I ran these businesses around my growing family for the next 10 years. My first of the 4 x 6 figure businesses that I have built over the last 22 years.

In 2013 after the birth of my 3rd child, I knew I needed a change in direction. After going for an inch loss treatment in June of 2013 I spotted a gap in the market with a revolutionary new inch loss treatment which was relatively unknown in the UK.
Blissful Bodies was born. 
My first inch loss clinic opened in Burnley in 2014 and my aim from day 1 was to franchise this business model and own a chain of inch loss clinics. 
Due to the rapid success of the first clinic, I was able to franchise the model after 6 months and clinics 2 & 3 opened in Manchester in November 2015. Clinic 4 opened just 2 months later in Yorkshire.
The rapid growth of Blissful Bodies was unprecedented and although I achieved my dream of building a franchise network, I found myself working in an industry that wasn't aligned with me and my values, I knew it was time to start a new business journey.
In 2017 a total curve ball business was born and along with my then partner, we started a road surfacing company based in the Ribble Valley.
This was an industry I had no knowledge of, my biggest challenge to date. I applied the same business strategy to this business and we were turning over 6 figures from month 6.
This takes me to 2018. The Soul Tribe Brand was born, by far the most enjoyable business I've started and Soul Tribe Media and Clare Harvey Strategy have enjoyed the same massive growth. This is truly where my heart lies. Everyday I get to work with some awesome women in business through the media agency and my coaching programs.
Teaching always stayed in my heart, and I now get to work with conscious entrepreneurs to help them enjoy the same level of success through my digital strategies & coaching.
I hope you join my Soul Tribe 
x Clare

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Your Tribe is waiting for you...
Let me help you Attract them

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